
Age verification

You do not need to know the date on which your customer was born. You just want to know whether he meets the age requirement. You can do this check quickly, safely and easily with the Datakeeper app.

Leeftijdsverificatie met datakeeper.

Reliable age verification with Datakeeper

Nummer 18 icoon.
Data request Age verification for liquor store
You determine within which boundaries the date of birth needs to fall.
NFC icoon.
The customer simply retrieves his identity data.
Check icoon.
Datakeeper performs the zero knowledge proof on the date of birth.
tick icon.
Data minimization You only see whether the customer meets the age requirement: yes or no.

Only the data that matters;
safe and efficient

Data minimization

Datakeeper applies data minimization to your customer's identity data. Your customer adds a passport, ID card or driver's license to Datakeeper. An identity document normally contains a lot of data, but Datakeeper ensures that only the first name, last name and date of birth are used. We call this data minimization. We can also apply a zero-knowledge proof to the date of birth.

💡 With Datakeeper you can perform an age check easily and safely.
Dataminimalisatie van leeftijd voorbeeld.

Zero knowledge proof

Datakeeper uses zero-knowledge proofs to prove that a date of birth or other number satisfies a certain property, without disclosing the specific metric, such as a date of birth.

💡 Validated age data with a privacy-friendly and innovative technology.

Easily implement age verification via QR code

Datakeeper guides you or your employees optimally through the implementation process. This way you can decide for yourself which data you want to request in your customer's QR code and which data you want to omit.

💡 Simple implementation. That is what Datakeeper guarantees.
Scanbare QR code op de datakeeper app.

Age Verification

Datakeeper's age verification allows you to retrieve the following data from your customers:

  • Date of birth

  • Passport photo

Dataverzoek voor leeftijd.
Autoverhuur header.

Applications of
age verification


Auto icoon.
Rent a car easily and securely with ID verification

In this car rental industry you spend a lot of time preventing fraud and checking data. Datakeeper speeds up the identification process.

Ga naar automotive ›

Prevent data misuse. Choose validated customer data. Safe, fast and easy.

You only pay for what you purchase.

Datakeeper provides customization. That is why we are happy to discuss with you which products are needed to be able to provide your service.

Transparantie kosten icoon.

They are already using Datakeeper



Rent a car easily and safely with the Datakeeper app

Frequently asked questions

The Datakeeper App is unable to read my ID. How is this possible and what should I do now?

The phone may not support the use of NFC or the document may not be suitable for the Datakeeper App. Check the list of suitable devices by clicking on this link Is the document suitable, but adding is not possible? We recommend that you keep your ID as still as possible. You will have a better connection if you remove the case from your phone/ID. It is also important that you have enough light to scan your passport or take the photo. If it doesn't work, you will automatically be redirected to another flow to upload your ID by taking a photo of it.

I cannot open the Datakeeper app

Restart your device and try again. Doesn't this work? Check if your phone has the latest update. Isn't this the case? Install the update and try again.

Who is behind Datakeeper?

Rabobank's innovation department has developed this initiative. Rabobank is the cooperative Rabobank UA with its registered office at 3521 CB Utrecht, with its registered office in Amsterdam under Chamber of Commerce number: 30046259.

Datakeeper: more speed and convenience for every company


After sending the data request, users can easily collect the required documents, which the organization receives as one comprehensive package.


Our wallet provides access to data from institutions like the UWV, Tax Authorities, bank details, etc., and combines various steps such as identification and signing.

Data minimization

Only request the data that is necessary. For example, just a date of birth, without receiving the BSN from the passport.

Also discover our other data solutions

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Get your customer's verified identity information quickly. Straight from the source for a secure identification process. Meer informatie ›
ID icoon.
KYC check
The principle of "know your customer" is becoming increasingly important. You can now do the Know Your Customer check (KYC) quickly, safely and easily with Datakeeper. Meer informatie ›